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Politics in the News

Whether you are a libertarian, conservative, NRA member or simply a citizen concerned with today's political climate, you will find news items of interest and relevance on Reliable Answers "Politics in the News."

What message are our legislators sending to voters, when they publicly admit they haven't done their job? How many bills are passed each year that policymakers haven't even bothered to read? This is disgraceful. This is called dereliction of duties and we must demand a stop to this practice.

 Title   Date   Author   Host

by Mark Joseph Stern

July 16, 2020

The justices refused to halt Florida's poll tax on ex-felons-and didn't bother explaining why.

The Supreme Court all but guaranteed that nearly 1 million Floridians will be unable to vote in the 2020 election because of unpaid court debts in a shattering order handed down on Thursday. Its decision will throw Florida's voter registration into chaos, placing a huge number of would-be voters in legal limbo and even opening them up to prosecution for casting a ballot. The justices have effectively permitted Florida Republicans to impose a poll tax in November.

by Guy McCarthy

June 9, 2020

More high-elevation roads in the Stanislaus National Forest are open as snowpack continues melting off, and five seasonal roads are going to remain closed through June 30.

The five roads that will remain closed are Slick Rock 4WD Trail, also known as Forest Road 7Nl7 near Lake Alpine reservoir off Highway 4; Gooseberry Road, also known as Forest Road 4N34, near Dodge Ridge and Crabtree; Forest Road 4N47, which provides access to Gianelli Trailhead east of Pinecrest; part of Herring Creek Road, also known as Forest Road 4Nl2, east of Strawberry; and part of Eagle Meadow Road, also known as Forest Road 5N01, east of Herring Creek and south of Highway 108.

Fox News

by Caleb Parke

May 29, 2020

Parents in several states nationwide are "shocked" to find they can't withdraw their children from public school, the largest U.S. legal organization for homeschool families told Fox News.

A RealClear Opinion Research survey shows that 40 percent of families are more likely to homeschool when lockdown restrictions lift, a significant increase from the 2.5 million children who were educating their kids at home before stay-at-home orders were put in place.

by Angela Morris

May 27, 2020

Who's to Blame? Facebook Can't Shake Lawsuits Over Alleged Child-Sex Trafficking on Its Platform -- These lawsuits are pushing the legal limits of how social media companies can be held accountable for sex trafficking that occurs on their platforms.

Facebook has again lost its court battle to dismiss lawsuits by three young women who claimed they were sex trafficked on the Facebook or Instagram platforms. These lawsuits are pushing the legal limits of how social media companies can be held accountable for sex trafficking that occurs on their platforms. In a 2-1 ruling Tuesday, the 14th Court of Appeals affirmed two trial judges' orders that denied Facebook's motions to dismiss the lawsuits under the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 91a, which is the Lone Star State's version of the federal 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim.

by Jeff Kerns

May 22, 2020

Facts On PG&E Acquisition And Response To John Buckley, CSERC Imagine being presented with an opportunity to own an asset you, your family, and others have depended upon for generations.

Now imagine that while you wait to make a decision, someone else buys that asset out from underneath you and then uses that ownership to exploit and take advantage of you and your family for decades. Why would anyone pass up the opportunity to protect themselves and their family from being taken advantage of in such a way - especially when the asset in question is our water supply? Unfortunately, this is precisely what Mr. John Buckley, Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center, proposes for the Tuolumne Utilities District (TUD) and its ratepayers in recent public comments circulated on May 16, 2020.

by Jennifer Daskal, Matt Perault

May 22, 2020

This article is part of Privacy in the Pandemic, a Future Tense series. -- Big Tech's contact tracing initiative complicates the narrative of European governments protecting citizens against Silicon Valley's privacy intrusions.

In debates over digital privacy, American tech companies are often branded as the villains, with European policymakers cast in the role of savior. Big Tech is out to steal your privacy, but European governments are stepping in to protect it. Or so the narrative goes. But the new exposure notification system released by Google and Apple on Wednesday has turned these roles on their head, albeit in ways that at least some public health authorities say will make their job more difficult. It stands as a clear warning against type casting in this debate.

by Zak Doffman - Cybersecurity I write about security and surveillance.

May 22, 2020

So, the big news this week is that Apple and Google have launched their watered down "contact-tracing" platforms into the world. Only "contact-tracing" has now become "exposure notification..."

...and judging by all the evidence to-date, they're not going to be effective enough to make a difference. Worse, they introduce a set of dangerous security risks that have not been addressed. False hopes, false starts. Let's clear something up from the start. Contact-tracing is not an opt-in Bluetooth app that might register your proximity to an infected person, under a very limited set of circumstances, including that you're both fully running the app. No, contact tracing is a manually-intensive, surveillance-heavy, privacy-intrusive process where a combination of brute-force measures and meticulous attention to detail, under the purview of well-trained operatives, roots out the spread of infection.

by N. Morgan

May 21, 2020

Operation Highjump, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, was a United States Navy operation organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Jr.,

Although Byrd was chosen to lead the mission for a rather specific reason, which I will later explain, he was quite qualified and a favorite amongst the American public-the perfect candidate of choice by U.S. Navy and Top Brass. Additionally to Byrd's recruitment another man, Rear Admiral Richard Cruzen, was selected to head-up the task force. And make no mistake, this was an unusually bold move for the American military at the time as people, nations, and even world economies were still volatile from war's aftermath.

by Annie

May 19, 2020

I have spent the last few years working on Facebook, neglecting my own work, I'm ashamed to admit. Facebook finally banned me, and I am very glad they did, because otherwise I might never have left.

I am totally against censorship. Do you want to know what I did to get banned? I posted this meme and they took it down, so I posted it again. Normally, after posting the second time they would leave it be, but not this time. They removed it again. So, I put it back up and I was banned from Facebook. All my content, all my uploads and all discussion and posts I've made over the last decade to Facebook were removed.

by Gino Spocchia

May 5, 2020

Hundreds of Missouri residents have had their personal details shared online after the publication of a document that recorded reports made against those flouting lockdown measures.

The names and addresses of almost 900 people were shared on Facebook to name-and-shame them after authorities had released the data following a media request under the state's 'Sunshine Law', which requires authorities to release information submitted to public agencies.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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