This site logs information from your browser when you maneuver through the site. Most of this information is not used at all - only to identify an IP address to ban, if necessary, if a denial of service attack is attempted. No information that could be used for personal tracking is collected except in server logs. This information is used only to identify misuse of the server(s). This information will not be used to track you individually.
Whenever you visit a page the "hit" is recorded as only a numeric value - it does not track or expose the referrer, browser type/version or any other details of the contact - *only* that the request was made. This is done internally on this site so there are no web-beacons used on this site to track you across the web like some sites out there.
Should you fill out a form or survey on this site, that information will be used only in connection with whatever that form/survey is in regards to, and will not be associated in any way to information collected anywhere else on the site, or on any other site or resource on the web.
No attempt is made to join this information with any other information collected. No information is sought by this site except in brief user surveys. In some cases where "uniqueness" of the respondents is a necessity an IP address and browser information may be compiled along with any other information you submit. If a form or survey on this site obtains more information from you than what is described here it will be made perfectly clear on that forms entry page.
If you feel that any part if this privacy policy is too slack, or have concerns about how this information is used feel free to contact me. Feel free to visit /stock/statistics.asp for a demonstration of the information obtained through this site.