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Nature in the News

Channel Island Fox at the Coyote Point Museum, San Mateo, CA

Channel Island Fox

Nature in the News contains interesting, entertaining and educational articles about wildlife, nature and ecology issues. This news page contains information on everything from Yosemite rock slides and mountain lion legislation, to global warming, climate change and tiny little hummingbirds.

If you aren't sure where you stand on the issues, don't feel alone. The world we live in becomes more complex every single day. Is the earth as fragile as some would have us believe or has it endured because it's quite resilient? You decide. These issues are not going away and will continue to plague us with complex problems that will require us all to make hard decisions.

You will find plenty of food for thought and information to contemplate. Be sure to check back often.

 Title   Date   Author   Host

by Eric Grundhauser

July 26, 2016

Over 200 pounds of illegal mushrooms were seized from poachers by rangers in Crater Lake National Park over the Fourth of July weekend, according to the Oregonian. But it's not the mushrooms themselves that are illegal, just the way they were harvested.

Fox News

by Elizabeth Armstrong Moore

July 25, 2016

Farmers in Nebraska, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and New York are staging something of a mechanical revolt. They're attempting to get legislation passed in their states that would enable them.

At the root of the morass is the software that helps run modern tractors and their sensors, diagnostic tools, and other high-tech elements. If farmers so much as open the metaphorical hood to check out the computers they could be violating the federal act, reports Modern Farmer.

by Guy McCarthy

July 20, 2016

Caltrans contract worker José Bobadilla stood on unshaded asphalt Tuesday afternoon in heat warmer than 90 degrees southeast of Chinese Camp to stop motorists headed farther east up to Groveland and Yosemite.

One-way traffic controls went into effect Tuesday for the $20.8 million project to upgrade James E. Roberts Memorial Bridge on State Route 120 in Tuolumne County, and the traffic controls are expected to remain in place for the duration of the project. Completion is hoped for by Thanksgiving 2017, according to the state Department of Transportation.

July 11, 2016

With temperatures forecast into the 90's today, I thought it would be a good day to serve up this Confetti Ice Wreath to our chickens. It's not only an excellent way to help your chickens cool down in the summer.

Save up those partial bags of frozen vegetables and leftover canned vegetables. Keep freezer burned fruit and those cranberries left over from Thanksgiving. Don't toss out bruised blueberries or mushy raspberries. Collect everything in a freezer bag until you are ready to make your wreath to make an easy, inexpensive summer treat for your chickens.

by Ben Tracy

July 1, 2016

Olympics organizers in Rio are dealing with a raft of problems including severe pollution in the venues for sailing, rowing, and other water sports

Five weeks before the start of the Olympics in Rio , police say a mutilated body washed up on Copacabana Beach, where the beach volleyball competition will be held. Just weeks before the Olympics, the host city has another entry on its laundry list of problems. Rio's anti-doping lab has been shut down.

July 1, 2016

A worker at a federal laboratory in Colorado intentionally manipulated test results for years, possibly tainting research that includes toxic metals in the Everglades, uranium near the Grand Canyon and coal in Afghanistan, investigators say.

The falsified data from a U.S. Geological Survey lab may have affected 24 coal, water and environmental research projects costing a total of $108 million, according to a report released recently by the Interior Department's inspector general. USGS spokeswoman Anne-Berry Wade said Thursday the agency isn't sure why the employee falsified the results of chemical analyses but said it wasn't for personal gain or "any nefarious reason."

June 24, 2016

Lyme disease is a shockingly common condition that infects more than 200,000 people in the U.S. each year. Out of all the people who suffer from Lyme disease symptoms, only 20% are correctly diagnosed, according to research.

Lyme disease is caused by bacteria carried by ticks. It is an inflammatory illness that has symptoms like headaches, rashes, chills, and fever. When left untreated, the condition may worsen to develop cardiac symptoms, neurological conditions, and arthritis. Lyme disease can be a life-changing illness.

June 14, 2016

The first planned release of millions of genetically engineered mosquitoes in West Bay by a UK bio-technology firm will not be stopped, Premier Alden McLaughlin has confirmed.

Although originally a supporter of the project, following concerns raised by his constituents in West Bay about the planned released of the genetically modified insects by Oxitec, Bush wrote to government asking it to defer the project. He said more public discussion and education was needed before the insects are released.

by Matt Agorist

May 11, 2016

As the debate over which bathroom an individual should use based on their sexual identity heats up, we are witnessing the ignorant and brash nature of state enforcement of these edicts come to a head.

It is not only a distraction and a means for the state to get involved in your bowel movements, but it paints the trans and gay community in a negative light by asserting there is some sexual stigma involved in relieving one's bladder. The end result of such obstinate legalese clouding the minds of the public is going to be state violence initiated against individuals who have caused zero harm.

by Karen Graham

May 2, 2016

Climate change is not only a major issue in the world today, but we are beginning to experience the results of the change at a seemingly alarming rate.

New research on oxygen levels in the world's oceans has just been published, and with sea waters warming, it was noted there has been a drop in the oxygen levels in a number of oceans. This is not good. The consequences of a warming ocean are already being seen, in the bleaching of our coral reefs, particularly Australia's Great Barrier Reef. We have also seen the die-off of innumerable sea creatures due to the warming waters encouraging the growth of toxic algae and the northward movement of many ocean creatures looking for colder waters.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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