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Nature in the News

Channel Island Fox at the Coyote Point Museum, San Mateo, CA

Channel Island Fox

Nature in the News contains interesting, entertaining and educational articles about wildlife, nature and ecology issues. This news page contains information on everything from Yosemite rock slides and mountain lion legislation, to global warming, climate change and tiny little hummingbirds.

If you aren't sure where you stand on the issues, don't feel alone. The world we live in becomes more complex every single day. Is the earth as fragile as some would have us believe or has it endured because it's quite resilient? You decide. These issues are not going away and will continue to plague us with complex problems that will require us all to make hard decisions.

You will find plenty of food for thought and information to contemplate. Be sure to check back often.

 Title   Date   Author   Host

by Dr. Mercola

June 17, 2014

Dr. Poland, a vaccine researcher, takes the lead in publicly criticizing the vaccine's failure to prevent measles.

If you read the "official" vaccination guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you'll be told that vaccination is one of the best ways to protect your children (and yourself) against vaccine-preventable diseases. You'll also be informed that vaccines are the "safe, proven choice," with serious side effects occurring only very rarely. "Discomfort or tenderness at the injection site" is reported to be the primary "risk" of vaccines, while the CDC also states "nearly all children can be safely vaccinated" and "when vaccination rates drop in a community, it's not uncommon to have an outbreak." It's information that would send most parents right to their pediatrician for their child's next vaccination -- unless they had researched diseases and the vaccines independently. You see, the problem with the CDC's (and most other public health agencies') information is that it is highly biased and frequently misleading. It doesn't give you the whole story.

June 3, 2014

Recent study shows a strong link between pesticide exposure and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, as well as other chronic diseases.

The United States uses about 1.1 billion pounds of pesticides each year.1, 2 Worldwide pesticide use amounts to approximately 5.2 billion pounds annually. There's little doubt that the current pesticide load is taking a toll, as mounting research has linked pesticides to an array of serious health problems. Processed foods form the basis of nearly everyone's diet, as 95 percent of the food Americans buy is processed. If this is you, then you can consider yourself in the highest risk category, as such fare tends to contain the greatest amounts of hidden genetically engineered (GE) ingredients, and hence the highest pesticide load.

by Dr. Mercola

June 3, 2014

The American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) is filled with people from biotech and vaccine companies -- how can you trust them with your health?

There are many dozens of industry front groups masquerading as independent information organizations. I've previously published information about several of them, including the International Food Additives Council (IFAC), the Coalition Against Costly Food Labeling Proposition, the Science Media Centre, and Alliance to Feed the Future. Michele Simon, JD, MPH, policy consultant with Center for Food Safety has also published a report titled: "Best Public Relations Money Can Buy: A Guide to Food Industry Front Groups," which reveals how the food and agricultural industry hide behind friendly-sounding organizations aimed at fooling the public, policymakers, and the media.

April 28, 2014

Acid reflux is an extremely common health problem, affecting as many as 50 percent of Americans. Other terms used for this condition are gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or peptic ulcer disease.

The hallmark symptom of acid reflux is "heartburn"-a burning sensation behind your breastbone that sometimes travels up your throat. In some cases, this pain can be severe enough to be mistaken for a heart attack. Conventionally, acid reflux is thought to be caused by excessive amounts of acid in your stomach, which is why acid-blocking drugs are typically prescribed or recommended. This is a serious medical misconception that adversely affects hundreds of millions of people, as the problem usually results from having too little acid in your stomach.

by Dr. Mercola

April 23, 2013

Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) has developed a type of genetically modified (GM) wheat that may silence human genes, leading to disastrous health consequences.

Last year, University of Canterbury Professor Jack Heinemann released results from genetic research he conducted on the wheat, which showed with "no doubt" that molecules created in the wheat, which are intended to silence wheat genes to change its carbohydrate content, may match human genes and potentially silence them. University Professor Judy Carman agreed with Heinemann's analysis, stating in Digital Journal: "If this silences the same gene in us that it silences in the wheat -- well, children who are born with this enzyme not working tend to die by the age of about five."

by Dr. Mercola

January 29, 2013

A new insect-based, genetically engineered flu vaccine and vaccines grown in cultures of dog kidney cells rather than eggs are now approved by the FDA.

As recently reported, a hardier than normal type of flu has spread around the US, and much earlier than normal, causing some states to declare public health emergencies. To speed up flu vaccine production, the US FDA has approved a new insect-based, genetically engineered flu vaccine, as well as vaccines grown in cultures of dog kidney cells rather than eggs. And while mainstream media claims the flu vaccine is working well this year, a recent review of published research shows flu vaccines are ineffective at best, and produce neurological complications at worst, while having no effect at all on hospitalizations or working days lost.

by Dr. Mercola

November 11, 2012

Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure. While it's one of the most commonly used artificial sweeteners in the world, it's also one of, if not THE most dangerous food additive on the market today.

Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious, including seizures and death. In this interview, Dr. Woody Monte, professor emeritus at Arizona State University in food and chemistry, sheds light on what makes aspartame so hazardous to human health.

by Dr. Mercola

October 9, 2012

Over the past few years, an interesting pattern has emerged, where political supporters of genetically engineered (GE) foods are feasting on organics, while promoting unlabeled GE foods for everyone else.

Most recently, Mother Jones1 discussed how Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney - whose ties to Monsanto go back to the late 1970's when GE crops were still in the R&D phase - reportedly makes sure his own meals are nothing but organic.

by Dr. Mercola

September 3, 2012

Some drug companies target poor, uneducated populations in India to participate in clinical trials, yet only a fraction of them are compensated.

Clinical research on humans is regarded as an essential component of drug research and development. It is only after successfully being tested on people that drugs are supposed to be brought to market, but how can it be ethical to use people as guinea pigs in drug trials without fully informing them of what consequences they may face? Typically such trials are only undertaken after there is evidence from animal experiments that the drugs are "safe and effective" ...but this is far from a foolproof method by which to gauge safety. Unfortunately, many die or are seriously injured after taking part in drug trials, and, worse still, only a fraction are ever compensated.

by Dr. Mercola

August 13, 2012

Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewer Ronald Kavanagh speaks out systemic suppression of drug safety.

In the wake of shocking reports on how the FDA, terrified of being outed for its questionable practices, spied on its own employees in the hopes of rooting them out before they could become whistleblowers, a new story has emerged on how deep the deceit goes. From marginalizing safety reports to not reading them at all-and then going ahead and approving the drugs in question-the FDA once more stands accused of being little more than a rubber-stamping agency for Big Pharma. Explosive revelations of an intensive spy operation by the FDA on its own scientists emerged last month. Using sophisticated spy software, the agency tracked and logged every move made by the targeted individuals. The program even intercepted personal emails and copied documents on their personal thumb drives.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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