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Microsoft Visual Basic Samples/Downloads

A searchable index of downloadable Visual Basic samples from Microsoft

Now, there are a *lot* of links on this list - but this is *not* the only thing on this site - in fact, it's the least of the content. Be sure to check out my Visual Basic Samples, Visual Basic Links (the *long* list), and Active Server Pages Links.

And if that's not enough, there's also a rather large collection of other resources here.

 Title   Date   Author   Host

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

Forms are added to folders frequently. It may be necessary from time to time to remove some or all of the forms from a particular folder. The following sample code uses Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) Library in a Microsoft Visual Basic pr...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

This article shows how to write a Visual Basic ActiveX DLL to send an e-mail message using Collaboration Data Objects (CDO). It also shows how to call this DLL from C code....

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

When developing Internet applications, developers need to account for end users with a wide variety of system environments with different ways of connecting to the Internet. This ActiveX Document sample code demonstrates how to tell if Inte...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

32-bit Visual Basic applications that are distributed in more than one country must rely upon the Regional Settings specifications of the Windows Control Panel for retrieving the appropriate currency symbol to display to the user. Retrievin...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

If you need to create your own printer dialog, you can use the PrinterProperties API function to bring up a printer's properties dialog. Your users can then make most of the same changes they could if they brought up this dialog by hand. Th...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

The Windows taskbar has an AutoHide property that allows it to hide at the very edge of the screen, taking up very little space, until the mouse is positioned directly over it, which causes it reappear at it's normal size. When you set t...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

If you want to use the Visual Basic DataEnvironment to communicate with your database in your Transaction Server components, be sure to set the connection objects so that no prompt occurs if the attempt to connect fails. By default,...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

This article contains a CDO code sample that demonstrates how to access the PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES field of the AddressEntry object. This property contains the foreign system e-mail addresses (alternate e-mail addresses). Yo

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

From a Visual Basic application, you can set and get cookies on a client that corresponds to a given URL by using the InternetSetCookie and InternetGetCookie APIs from the WinInet.dll. Create a new standard .exe project in Visual Basic....

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

When using the DataEnvironment in Visual Basic 6.0, it is not possible to set the prompting behavior at design-time. This property is set to adPromptComplete by default. You might want to change this property so that a prompt is not disp...

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