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Microsoft Visual Basic Samples/Downloads

A searchable index of downloadable Visual Basic samples from Microsoft

Now, there are a *lot* of links on this list - but this is *not* the only thing on this site - in fact, it's the least of the content. Be sure to check out my Visual Basic Samples, Visual Basic Links (the *long* list), and Active Server Pages Links.

And if that's not enough, there's also a rather large collection of other resources here.

 Title   Date   Author   Host

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

The Visual Basic for Windows sample program below demonstrates how you can obtain system status information similar to the information displayed in the Windows Program Manager About box. The sample program displays the following informat...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

By making a call to the Windows API function SendMessage, you can scroll text a specified number of lines or columns within a Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows text box. By using the SendMessage function, you can also scroll text progra...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

Microsoft Access version 2.0 for Windows introduced a new type of SQL-specific Query called a SQL pass-through (SPT) query. This query allows you to execute SQL commands that are specific to a back-end database server such as Microsoft S...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

Windows GDI.EXE has a function called BitBlt that will move the source device given by the hSrcDC parameter to the destination device given by the hDestDC parameter. This article explains in detail the arguments of the Windows BitBlt fun...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

Solely declaring and calling the Unicode versions of 32-bit API functions in the same way that the ANSI versions are used will not work. This article shows one way that the Unicode version of an API function can be used without the need...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

The Microsoft Win32 DrawEdge function provides an extremely powerful, yet simple, method for drawing three-dimensional (3-D) lines. By using this function, your application can duplicate any 3-D effects found in the operating system. The...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

The Registry is used by Windows 95 and Windows 98 to determine what application programs and hardware items are installed in the computer system. This article explains how to retrieve the name of the default printer from the Registry fro...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

It can be very useful to package constant definitions and DLL declarations in a type Library. Visual Basic allows you to access type libraries and their contents. Once you have made a reference to the type library, you can view its infor...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

Printing the Text property of a multiline text box while maintaining the line structure requires attention to word wrapping, carriage returns, and line feeds. The programmer can either track the number of characters and lines in code or...

by Microsoft

September 4, 2003

This article illustrates how you can use the SetCapture and WindowFromPoint API functions to drag and select a Window. Using SetCapture and WindowFromPoint, you can create functionality similar to that of the utility SPYXX.EXE to select...

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