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How To Master CSS

How To Master CSS

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September 28, 2013

An appeals court filing Friday suggests the US Department of Justice was quick to serve a court order on encrypted email provider Lavabit after customer Edward Snowden, presumably the target, went public as an NSA whistleblower.

Snowden, an NSA contractor who distributed to news outlets classified information about National Security Agency mass-surveillance programs, revealed himself as the leaker on June 9 in Hong Kong. The next day, the Justice Department (DOJ) demanded Texas-based Lavabit hand over metadata on an unnamed customer that timing suggests was Snowden, who used Lavabit for protected email service. The records order was "issued under 18 USC 2703(d), a 1994 amendment to the Stored Communications Act that allows law enforcement access to non-content internet records without demonstrating the 'probable cause' needed for a search warrant," according to Wired. Such records can include 'To' and 'From' lines in emails and the IP addresses used to access the account, but not the content of any emails.

September 28, 2013

'Dead Drops' is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space.

USB flash drives are embedded into walls, buildings and curbs accessible to anybody in public space. Everyone is invited to drop or find files on a dead drop. Plug your laptop to a wall, house or pole to share your favorite files and data. Each dead drop is installed empty except a readme.txt file explaining the project...

September 27, 2013

FNC's Jennifer Griffin reports that the day (today) President Obama speaks to Iran's President Rouhani USA confirms Iran hacked unclassified Navy computers.

September 27, 2013

A college student was arrested Thursday for allegedly hijacking the webcams of young women - among them reigning Miss Teen USA Cassidy Wolf - taking nude images, then blackmailing his victims to send him more explicit material or else be exposed.

Jared James Abrahams, a 19-year-old computer science student from Temecula, California, surrendered on Thursday to the FBI on federal extortion charges, the agency announced. Authorities say he victimized young women surreptitiously, by taking control of their computers then photographing them as they changed out of their clothes. When he admitted what he'd done in June, Abrahams said he had 30 to 40 "slave computers" - or other people's electronic devices he controlled - and has had as many as 150 total, according to a criminal complaint.

by Mike Masnick

September 27, 2013

It's widely known that the NSA has taps connected to the various telco networks, thanks in large part to AT&T employee Mark Klein who blew the whistle on AT&T's secret NSA room in San Francisco.

What was unclear was exactly what kind of access the NSA had. Various groups like the EFF and CDT have both been asking the administration to finally come clean, in the name of transparency, if they're tapping backbone networks to snarf up internet communications like email. So far, the administration has declined to elaborate. Back in August, when the FISA court declassified its ruling about NSA violations, the third footnote, though heavily redacted, did briefly discuss this "upstream" capability. In short, "upstream" capabilities are tapping the backbone itself, via the willing assistance of the telcos (who still have remained mostly silent on all of this) as opposed to "downstream" collection, which requires going to the internet companies directly.


September 26, 2013

In a surprise development, it has been reported that several months ago Britain's National Cyber Crime Unit "secretly" arrested a 16-year-old London schoolboy on suspicion of being involved in the "biggest cyberattack in the history of the Internet."

The arrest of the teenager, whose name is not being disclosed, is a part of the investigation into the distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on Spamhaus on March 20 this year. That day, servers of the Dutch anti-spam organization, which tracks e-mail spammers and spam activity, were at one point being inundated with 300 billion bits per second (300Gbps) of data, three times larger than the previous record attack of 100 Gbps. The teenager fell under suspicion after "significant sums of money" were found to be "flowing through his bank account," the London Evening Standard reported Thursday.

September 26, 2013

A bipartisan group of US lawmakers has introduced legislation that, if approved, would attempt to strengthen civil liberties and curb the power of the secret FISA courts that approved widespread foreign and domestic NSA surveillance policies.

The bill, dubbed the Intelligence Oversight and Surveillance Reform Act, bundles a number of ideas proposed in roughly 12 other bills drafted in the wake of the leaks by NSA contractor-turned whistleblower Edward Snowden, which first began in June. The legislation would prevent the National Security Agency from bulk-collecting Americans' phone records under section 215 of the Patriot Act, easily the most polarizing stipulation in that law. The bill would also eliminate the NSA's authority to install so-called "backdoors" to monitor Americans' various methods of internet communication.

by Andrew Napolitano

September 26, 2013

The Constitution requires more than a rubber-stamp judicial tribunal.

After President Richard Nixon left office in 1974, a bipartisan congressional investigation discovered many of his constitutional excesses. Foremost among them was the use of FBI and CIA agents to spy on Americans in violation of federal law and the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. Nixon argued that the government needed to monitor "subversives" in order to shore up the "national security." As for breaking the law and violating the Constitution, Nixon defended himself by proclaiming in a now infamous post-presidency interview with David Frost that: "When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal." That Henry VIII-like statement was too much for Congress to bear in the Carter years, so it enacted the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which prohibited domestic spying unless the feds first obtained search warrants for surveillance from a federal judge sitting on a newly created FISA court. The FISA court, populated by sitting federal judges assigned there by the chief justice, was charged with issuing secret general warrants based upon secret evidence or no evidence and all in violation of the Constitution, which requires the presentation of evidence that constitutes probable cause of crime as the sole linchpin for the issuance of a search warrant.

by Ping Yan

September 25, 2013

In the past, we have demonstrated use cases of massive data-driven algorithmic malware and botnet detections, given our unique visibility to the global DNS traffic.

When dealing with cases of few infections and thus mostly low traffic volume (but not necessarily less impact!), making correlations and revealing patterns with little contextual information becomes both tricky and critical. Using the recent revival of the ransomware Cryptolocker, which victimized a few OpenDNS customers, we present a case study of a method that we call the Ripple Effect. The ransomware spread typically through email attachments. Once the malware is downloaded and executed on the victim's system, it first establishes connections with its command and control (CnC) servers, from which it retrieves an encryption key. It then begins encrypting data files on the system, across all connected drives and mapped network shares...

September 24, 2013

To give people a better Firefox experience, we’re changing the way plugins work. Earlier this year we talked about our plan for putting users in control of their plugins.

We are now seeing these plans take shape in the latest version of Firefox Aurora. To give people more control over their browser, Firefox will no longer activate most plugins by default. When a site tries to use a plugin, the user will be able to choose whether to enable the plugin on that site.


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