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How To Master CSS

How To Master CSS

"With How To Master CSS, you'll discover how to read stylesheets, how to recognise the best solution and how to translate a graphical design to a real website, simply by watching my fun and sophisticated training videos. Hundreds of people, just like you, worldwide have used my unique multimedia course to fast-track their Stylesheet learning, while having piles of fun in the process. Will you be next?"

It doesn't matter what level you are at now (beginner or intermediate), How to Master CSS is packed full of quality step-by-step lessons, video files, an editor and other resources to get YOU results fast!

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April 9, 2010

The game in question is called 3D Anti-terrorist action, and it's manufactured by Beijing Huike Technology in China.

Apparently some Russian malware author took the game and trojanized it. Then he uploaded the trojanized version to several Windows Mobile freeware download sites. Quite quickly people started reporting that the phone was making expensive calls on it's own.

by Avi Turiel

April 6, 2010

By now you know not to believe those emails promising overnight wealth with very little effort - right? Seriously.

These spam campaigns apparently still attract enough clickers. The subjects in a recent outbreak were typically bold and the emails featured short one-liners promising work-from-home riches. The clever touch was providing a link that exploits redirect functionality supported by CNN's ad servers.

March 31, 2010

Adobe's PDF Reader gets lots of criticism for poor security. However, the problems go beyond one specific PDF reader brand.

Have you ever looked at the specifications for the PDF file format? You can download them from here (PDF). They're 756 pages long. For real. There's some crazy stuff in the PDF specs. Take a look at these...

March 31, 2010

We believe that malware is a general threat to the Internet, but it is especially harmful when it is used to suppress opinions of dissent. In that case, the attacks involved surveillance of email accounts belonging to Chinese human rights activists.

This particular malware broadly targeted Vietnamese computer users around the world. The malware infected the computers of potentially tens of thousands of users who downloaded Vietnamese keyboard language software and possibly other legitimate software that was altered to infect users. While the malware itself was not especially sophisticated, it has nonetheless been used for damaging purposes. These infected machines have been used both to spy on their owners as well as participate in distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against blogs containing messages of political dissent. Specifically, these attacks have tried to squelch opposition to bauxite mining efforts in Vietnam, an important and emotionally charged issue in the country. Since some anti-virus vendors have already introduced signatures to help detect this specific malware, we recommend the following actions, particularly if you believe that you may have been exposed to the malware: run regular anti-virus as well as anti-spyware scans from trusted vendors, and be sure to install all web browser and operating system updates to ensure you're using only the latest versions. New technology like our suspicious account activity alerts in Gmail should also help detect surveillance efforts. At a larger scale, we feel the international community needs to take cybersecurity seriously to help keep free opinion flowing.

by Alia

March 29, 2010

One of our analysts saw this particular application claiming to be an antivirus wreak havoc on his Friends list. Of course, there is no such thing.

Once installed on one Friend's account, this application tags 20 Friend into a picture such as the one below...

by Alia

March 24, 2010

F-Secure Health Check is an online check that tells you if your computer is protected.

It is designed to help a busy computer user simplify their computer/program security maintenance routine, so it will: • Check for security updates for the most frequently used programs (OS, browsers, media players, etc.) • Check that documents, image files, etc. are backed up • Provide a summary of the computer's 'health' or overall security, and recommendations for improving it

March 21, 2010

Today there's a phishing run underway in Twitter, using Direct Messages ("DMs"). These are private one-to-one Tweets inside Twitter.

If you mistakenly give out your credentials, the attackers will start sending similar Direct Messages to your contacts, posing as you. The ultimate goal of the attackers is to gain access to a large amount of valid Twitter accounts, then use these account to post Tweets with URLs pointing to malicious websites which will take over users computers when clicked.

March 19, 2010

While staring at the ZeuS Tracker Domain Block list and trying my usual method of snipe hunting manually entering domains to query the firewalls, a moment of inspiration hit: I don't care about all the domains, just the domains that people visit. Who know

My first attempt was a simple script to take a pre-chewed version of the ZeuS Domain list, feed it through dig and pipe the output through grep. It worked, but I wanted something a touch more automated. Over the next couple of nights on the train, I whipped up a tool to automate the process a little more. The resulting tool is the ZeuS DNS Scraper. It's a simple script written in Perl and should work straight out of the box with the default modules included in a Perl distribution.

The Whir

March 12, 2010

According to a report published Thursday in the Globe and Mail, Internet security firms brought down a massive botnet, named Mariposa, this week, an effort that resulted in the arrest of three people by Spanish police, on charges related to cyber crime.

Emphasizing the involvement of the Canadian security firm Defense Intelligence (it being a Canadian newspaper), the Globe reports that the botnet controlled infected machines in approximately 190 countries, and appeared to be targeting government and corporate computers, with the aim of stealing sensitive data. The report quotes Chris Davis, founder of Defense Intelligence, as saying that infected machines were found in about 65 percent of Fortune 1,000 firms, as well as banks and government organizations from around the world, the offices of leaders in several Asian countries and more than 1 million computers in Iran.

March 11, 2010

An Estonian virus writer has been sentenced to jail in Harju, Estonia. The author of the Allaple virus family, 44-year old Mr. Artur Boiko pleaded not guilty. Nevertheless, he was found guilty and sentenced to 2 years and 7 months in prison.

Allaple is a complex worm using polymorphic encryption. It spreads over network shares and by modifying local HTML files. When such HTML files are uploaded to public websites, they spread the infection further. Apparently Mr. Boiko had been in a car accident and had ended up in dispute over his insurance claim with If Insurance. As a result, his worm launches DDoS attacks against [various sites from his insurance company].


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Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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