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How To Master CSS

How To Master CSS

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December 25, 2009

Commtouch Labs reported a recent attack involving MP3 messages. The email body and subject line were blank, as seen below, and each message had an MP3 attached

While the emails were all subject-less, the MP3s were creatively named. File names include: beauteously, unsecularise, sporicide, cookshack, teentsier, muftis, zoogeography and squishiness.

by Sean

December 17, 2009

There's a 0-Day PDF exploit taking advantage of a vulnerability found in Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.2 and earlier.

These screenshots demonstrate that when the PDF file is opened in Adobe Acrobat/Reader it attempts to download an executable file. The server has been abused but is currently active. The executable that is downloaded searches for and encrypts certain files and then uploads them to another server. Adobe plans to make an update available on January 12th, 2009 (almost a month from now).

December 11, 2009

Occasionally reports of DNSChanger trojan variants altering the DNS information on both the infected system and on certain ADSL modems.

There are a couple twists on the basic strategy - the trojan may modify the modem's settings to use a rogue DNS server (that serves tainted information) or it can install a DHCP driver on the modem. Either way, it redirects users to a malicious site doing drive-by downloads. The trojan gets access to the modem's settings by brute-forcing the user name and password, which many people leave set as default. A simple, user-doable prevention measure is to change the default to a strong password.

December 10, 2009

Reports have reached us of a fresh SQL injection attack that has compromised many websites. A Google search of the malicious iframes used in the attacks nets over 100,000 hits.

As is typical, the initial iframes lead to HTML pages, which load iframes containing obfuscated JavaScript, which then attempts to exploit the unfortunate visitor.

Yahoo! Tech

by Jordon Robertson

November 9, 2009

Of all the sinister things that Internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you an unsuspecting collector of child pornography.

Heinous pictures and videos can be deposited on computers by viruses - the malicious programs better known for swiping your credit card numbers. In this twist, it's your reputation that's stolen. Pedophiles can exploit virus-infected PCs to remotely store and view their stash without fear they'll get caught.

The Download Blog -

by Stephen Shankland

August 25, 2009

Google has fixed two high-severity vulnerabilities in the stable version of its Chrome browser that could have let an attacker remotely take over a person's computer.

With one attack on Google's V8 JavaScript engine, malicious JavaScript on a Web site could let an attacker gain access to sensitive data or run arbitrary code on the computer within a Chrome protected area called the sandbox, Google said in a blog post Tuesday. With the other, a page with XML-encoded information could cause a browser tab crash that could let an attacker run arbitrary code within the sandbox.

This is Local London

by Daniel Binns

August 21, 2009

WHIPPS Cross University Hospital has been hit by a "crippling" computer virus, which has knocked out a large proportion of its IT system.

The fault, which first emerged last week, is still being cleared today by staff, but a Whipps spokeswoman said no patient care had been affected by the problem so far. One hospital patient, who did not wish to be named, told the Guardian they had been informed that the virus had "crippled" scores of computers and created havoc for staff.

The Register

by Dan Goodin

August 13, 2009

For the past couple weeks, Twitter has come under attacks that besieged it with more traffic than it could handle. Now comes evidence that the microblogging website is being used to feed the very types of infected machines that took it out of commission.

That's the conclusion of Jose Nazario, the manager of security research at Arbor Networks. On Thursday, he stumbled upon a Twitter account that was being used as part of an improvised update server for computers that are part of a botnet.

The Wall Street Journal

by Jessica E. Vascellaro and Ben Worthen

August 7, 2009

Multiple Internet sites, including popular hangouts Twitter and Facebook, were temporarily disrupted Thursday after they were struck by apparently coordinated computer attacks.

Users were unable to access Twitter's Web site for about two hours starting around 9 a.m. EDT. Around the same time, Facebook users saw delays logging in or using the social network. Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. were working together with Google Inc. to investigate what happened.

July 9, 2009 is one of the most well-respected technology download sites on the Internet, as evidenced by its Google page rank of 9 (out of possible 10), and the fact that it is ranked among the top 200 sites according to Alexa. However, recently Sourc

One of Sourceforge's subdomains is a wiki that allows users to add their own relevant content. Apparently some spammers saw this as an opportunity to do some search engine bombing. They filled up pages of the wiki with pornographic keywords, with links to their pornography pages (see screenshot below). The keywords and links are designed to leverage a highly ranked site (e.g. Sourceforge) to provide inbound links to their pornography site, causing it to rank highly in search engines as well.


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