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How To Master CSS

How To Master CSS

"With How To Master CSS, you'll discover how to read stylesheets, how to recognise the best solution and how to translate a graphical design to a real website, simply by watching my fun and sophisticated training videos. Hundreds of people, just like you, worldwide have used my unique multimedia course to fast-track their Stylesheet learning, while having piles of fun in the process. Will you be next?"

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Commtouch Cafe

by Robert Sandilands

August 31, 2011

Android malware has been around for a while now, but it has been somewhat uncertain how prevalent infected devices are.

What is interesting about the first Extended Wildlist in August 2011 is the inclusion of three pieces of Android-based malware. I would have loved to say that this is the first non-PC based malware to make it onto the Wildlist but it's more complicated than that. There has been some Mac and Linux malware that has received mentions in the Wildlist, but due to the acceptance criteria of the Wildlist, they never made it onto the official list.

by Dustin Childs

October 9, 2012

As previously mentioned in the Advance Notification blog on Thursday, today we're releasing seven bulletins, one Critical-class and six Important-class bulletins.

For Update Tuesday, we're releasing seven bulletins that address 20 issues in Microsoft Windows, SQL Server, and Office including SharePoint, Lync, Microsoft Works (which reaches the end of its support lifecycle this week) and InfoPath. Customers should plan to install all of these updates as soon as possible.

by Nick Gillespie

July 27, 2013

Reps. Justin Amash and John Conyers tried to protect the Constitution. Barack Obama, not so much. This is what bipartisanship looks like-and it looks pretty damn fresh.

Yesterday, a bill co-sponsored by Reps. Justin Amash (R-MI) and John Conyers (D-MI) that would have brought NSA domestic surveillance of U.S. citizens into rough compliance with the Constitution nearly passed the House of Representatives in a razor-thin loss. Ninety-four Republicans and 111 Democrats broke ranks with their party's leadership in the losing 205-217 effort (a dozen members didn't vote). Amash-singled out by name by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) as a "wacko bird" after Sen. Rand Paul's epic filibuster over the Obama administration's drone policy-has emerged as the leader of a pack of unapologetically libertarian-leaning Republicans who vote their principles rather than their party.

by Jason

July 23, 2012

Earlier this month, an alarm went off across the world: "Oh, no! You could lose your Internet access!"

The US government had kept hundreds of thousands of Internet users infected with DNSChanger online. And they announced they would stop doing so, rendering many with a connection they could not use. How many users would be affected? A few hundred thousand. OH, NO! Well, the event came and went and no one seemed to notice.

Commtouch Cafe

by Robert Sandilands

August 22, 2011

It is an important question: Millions of people are using antivirus and probably every piece of data on this planet has been processed at least once through one or more antivirus solutions.

In a way that is a staggering concept. How many files are scanned a day by all the antivirus products in the world? Hundreds of billions? I know we do a good chunk of that. Antivirus software has become extremely prevalent. It has a presence in virtually every company, house, ISP and country in the world. Being in the antivirus industry also implies that I can feel a little bit proud about this. But this also implies that there is a huge target painted on the antivirus industry. If you can evade/attack the products or the industry then there is something to be gained.

F-Secure Weblog

by Sean

February 4, 2013

Why do I need Java? "Java is fast, secure, and reliable." Secure?

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security doesn't seem to think so. And neither does Apple, Mozilla and Twitter. Twitter was hacked last week. And for some reason (which wasn't all that clearly explained), Twitter's Director of Information Security recommended disabling Java's browser plug-in.

F-Secure Weblog

by Sean

February 28, 2012

Two weeks ago, the "Cybersecurity Act of 2012" was introduced in the U.S. Senate. The bill (S.2105) is designed to protect critical infrastructure such as water, energy, and transportation.

It directs the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to coordinate with network operators on developing security standards. A related bill, the "Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2012" (S.2102) was introduced on February 13th. Naturally, civil liberties group such as the EFF and EPIC examined the legislation. They say it's too broad.

F-Secure Weblog

by Sean

January 18, 2012

We're sure that most of you have at least heard of SOPA. Major websites such as Wikipedia have blacked out sections of their content today to raise awareness.

In some locations, Google has blacked out its logo. The concern of many speech and privacy advocates is that SOPA, which stands for Stop Online Piracy Act, greatly expands the legal authority of US government agencies to seize control of foreign hosted websites, in the name of combating piracy.

OpenDNS Blog

by David Ulevitch

September 3, 2013

In the past week, we saw a series of DNS-based attacks on high profile domains that caused visitors trying to reach the affected domains to be redirected to IPs under the control of the Syrian Electronic Army.

During the incident, I spent some time helping the New York Times get their sites back to normal, and working with our friends at CloudFlare, Twitter, Google, DemandMedia, and others to get a handle on the extent of the SEA's hacks. There's plenty of coverage of how the attack happened and what you can do to help prevent this if you're a webmaster of a high-profile website (Hint: get a registry lock in place, not just a registrar lock), so I won't offer yet another opinion on that front. Instead, I want to focus on what this hack means for IT professionals-the people charged with protecting employees, sensitive or confidential corporate data, and enterprises at large. When extremely popular and trusted domains like the New York Times are compromised, the real danger lies in the huge number of users affected in such a short time. The attacks of the past week seem to have amounted to high-tech vandalism, but if the SEA had perpetrated a more malicious attack, millions of computers would have fallen prey in a few hours.

F-Secure Weblog

by Mikko

September 16, 2011

I love the Internet. Think about everything it has brought us. Think about all the services we use, all the connectivity, all the entertainment, all the business, all the commerce.

And all these changes are happening right now. They are happening during our lifetimes. I'm pretty sure that when they will be writing history books hundreds of years from now, our generation will be remembered as the generation that got online. We will be remembered as the generation that built something really and truly global. But the Internet has problems too. It has very serious problems with security and privacy. I know, as I've spent my career fighting these problems.


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