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How To Master CSS

How To Master CSS

"With How To Master CSS, you'll discover how to read stylesheets, how to recognise the best solution and how to translate a graphical design to a real website, simply by watching my fun and sophisticated training videos. Hundreds of people, just like you, worldwide have used my unique multimedia course to fast-track their Stylesheet learning, while having piles of fun in the process. Will you be next?"

It doesn't matter what level you are at now (beginner or intermediate), How to Master CSS is packed full of quality step-by-step lessons, video files, an editor and other resources to get YOU results fast!

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WordPress News at

by Paulkaiser

July 9, 2012

The National Vulnerability Database lists 400 WordPress security vulnerabilities. Let's set the record straight.

Trust me: It's not as bad as it sounds. Searching the National Vulnerability Database using keyword "WordPress" blasts you with 400 listed vulnerabilities! I've seen this number quoted recently when comparing WordPress to other content management systems, and it puts WordPress security in a negative light. Never fear! Read on to see the truth I found just beneath the surface of those numbers...

by Acting On Just These Ten Steps

May 2, 2013

My site was recently hacked and I learned a great amount from the ordeal. In this article I distill my experience down into 10 key WordPress security steps.

For two days the site was either complete offline or in a rather mangled state. For two days my hosting provider and I worked our asses off to get LWB back online. It was an experience that I would rather not go through again, and one that I hope you will never have to go through. With that in mind, in this post I want to outline the comprehensive steps I have taken to make my site more secure. I have spoken to some of the most influential and respected web security guys out there over the past couple of weeks and have been able to distill their wisdom into this post. It is my hope that you will take action on these steps to make your WordPress website(s) far more secure.

April 10, 2012

Now that spring has arrived (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), it is an excellent time to clean up and decruft your WordPress site. In this post I will show you a number of plugins and techniques that you can use to do just that.

Not only do inactive plugins and themes waste disk space, they also clutter your database with unused settings and other metadata. Remember: most plugins won’t delete their DB options and tables until you completely uninstall them. You will also continue to receive update notifications, which can be a distraction. Remove any plugins and themes you’re not using any more.

WordPress News at

by Clifford Paulick

June 22, 2012

We can agree that publicizing your wp-admin login credentials for all to see is a bad idea, right? Dumb question?

Well, if you're not logging into your WordPress Dashboard via HTTPS (or option #2, below), that's exactly what you're doing. Hackers can spoof your login form, "listen" to the site activity, or your coffee house neighbor could be using Firesheep on you. In case you didn't know, bad people suck. If someone snags your login credentials, they could wreak havoc that can make you cry. It's scarier than just losing all your files. They might change your site content from family-friendly to R-rated, get your Dropbox or Amazon S3 credentials, install some nasty stuff, or change your account password and profile email to lock you out (your password reset link would email them, not you).

Google Webmaster Central Blog

by Susan Moskwa

September 29, 2011

We consistently hear from webmasters that they have to prioritize their time.

Some manage dozens or hundreds of clients' sites; others run their own business and may only have an hour to spend on website maintenance in between managing finances and inventory. To help you prioritize your efforts, Webmaster Tools is introducing the idea of "site health," and we've redesigned the Webmaster Tools home page to highlight your sites with health problems. This should allow you to easily see what needs your attention the most, without having to click through all of the reports in Webmaster Tools for every site you manage.

Inside AdSense

by Jonathan Bellack

December 5, 2012

Publishers are the lifeblood of the Internet, and we're committed to helping you grow your businesses. Last year alone, we shared $6.5 billion with our AdSense publishers.

We also invest immense amounts of time and millions of dollars in systems (including sophisticated algorithms and human reviews) that keep bad ads from appearing on your sites and prevent advertisers from being fraudulently charged for bad clicks. When everything is working well, advertisers trust our network and continue to invest in it, which generates revenue for you the publisher, ultimately funding the free content users love. But we've also heard the stories: publishers finding their accounts suspended or even disabled for "invalid activity" without a clear understanding of why or how to fix it. We know this can be an intensely frustrating, even scary experience. So why does this happen?

The Web Host Industry Review

by David Snead

September 25, 2012

Over at TechDirt, Mike Masnick has a copy of what is said to be a draft of the administration's Executive Order on cybersecurity.

As many know, the Senate failed to pass cybersecurity legislation in their last session, and because of the election, it is assumed that this legislation is dead for this Congress. Cybersecurity has been one of the Obama administration's top priorities, and as with other priorities that have stalled in the gridlocked Congress, it appears that the administration is trying to accomplish by Executive Order what it did not get in Congress. One thing that is immediately striking about the leaked draft Order is how bland it is. I believe there are a number of reasons for this. The primary reason is that Executive Orders are a fairly limited tool: the executive branch can only take action in areas, and with agencies, where Congress has ceded its power to the executive branch. Sound very civics 101? Here's what it means...

July 23, 2013

Data visualization of the world biggest data breaches, leaks and hacks. Constantly updated. Powered by VizSweet.

BBC News (UK)

April 1, 2009

The chaos predicted by some as the Conficker worm updates itself have so far failed to materialise.

There had been concerns that the worm could trigger poisoned machines to access personal files, send spam, clog networks or crash sites.

Enterprise Security Today

by Robin Arnfield

July 16, 2011

Sdbot "spreads via network shares using NetBEUI functions to get ... user names and passwords," says security firm Trend Micro.

"It then drops a copy of itself on accessed shared folders. It has backdoor capabilities and may execute remote commands coming from a malicious user." It also performs DoS attacks and steals


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Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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