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How To Master CSS

How To Master CSS

"With How To Master CSS, you'll discover how to read stylesheets, how to recognise the best solution and how to translate a graphical design to a real website, simply by watching my fun and sophisticated training videos. Hundreds of people, just like you, worldwide have used my unique multimedia course to fast-track their Stylesheet learning, while having piles of fun in the process. Will you be next?"

It doesn't matter what level you are at now (beginner or intermediate), How to Master CSS is packed full of quality step-by-step lessons, video files, an editor and other resources to get YOU results fast!

 Title   Date   Author   Host

by Shawn K. Hall

December 5, 2004

Antivirus programs can not protect you from this type of virus because the attack occurs before the context of the worm has entered a static (file or mapped memory) state.

In other words - because the worm does not really exist in the same terms as what the anti-virus "expects," your anti-virus software will be incapable of detecting the virus until *after* the virus has had the opportunity to do what it was designed to do.

September 21, 2010

Several related XSS Worms are spreading on at the moment. An XSS vulnerability was discovered earlier today, and we quickly saw several worms created by different individuals.

Commtouch Cafe

by Avi Turiel

December 7, 2011

$107 for a couple of pizzas and drinks! - I didn't order this... (especially not the Veggie Lover's Pizza with chicken topping) There must be some mistake. I'll click on this "cancel order" link and set things straight...

by Donncha O Caoimh

January 13, 2012

If your Xbox Live account has been hacked chances are it's because you used a weak password.

According to this post reveals if a hacker has found a legitimate email address by printing the following error: "The email address is or password is incorrect. Please try again." After 8 attempts with a wrong password a CAPTCHA is shown but that can be easily circumvented.

December 15, 2010

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We are no one and everyone. And we are here to fight for WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks: New Leak - Names, addresses, IPs, and phone numbers of everyone in Anonymous. Download now!

by Glenn Greenwald

August 1, 2013

XKeyscore gives 'widest-reaching' collection of online data, NSA analysts require no prior authorization for searches, Sweeps up emails, social media activity and browsing history

A top secret National Security Agency program allows analysts to search with no prior authorization through vast databases containing emails, online chats and the browsing histories of millions of individuals, according to documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden. The NSA boasts in training materials that the program, called XKeyscore, is its "widest-reaching" system for developing intelligence from the internet. The latest revelations will add to the intense public and congressional debate around the extent of NSA surveillance programs. They come as senior intelligence officials testify to the Senate judiciary committee on Wednesday, releasing classified documents in response to the Guardian's earlier stories on bulk collection of phone records and Fisa surveillance court oversight.

CNS News

July 12, 2012

Some 450,000 Yahoo users' email addresses and passwords have been leaked because of a security breach, the company confirmed Thursday, adding that just a small fraction of the stolen passwords were valid.

The company said in a statement that an "old file" from the Yahoo Contributor Network was compromised Wednesday. Among the stolen emails and passwords were many from Yahoo's own email service along with those of other companies. The Yahoo Contributor Network is a content-sharing platform. Yahoo said it is fixing the vulnerability that led to the disclosure, changing the passwords of affected Yahoo users, and notifying other companies whose users' accounts may have been compromised.


by Tom Espiner

September 6, 2005

Anti-spam group Spamhaus says almost 5,000 sites on Yahoo use the words bank, eBay and PayPal in their domain names.

Spamhaus has accused Yahoo of failing in the fight against online fraud, and Microsoft has admitted there is room for improvement. Yahoo is playing host to thousands of phishing sites and doesn't have sufficiently well-trained staff to address the problem of online fraud, according to a leading anti-spam and security organization on Tuesday. Richard Cox, chief information officer of Spamhaus, told an audience of politicians, security experts and law enforcement officials that Yahoo has just under 5,000 domains hosted and registered with the words 'bank', 'eBay' and 'PayPal' within the domain names.

Commtouch Cafe

by Avi Turiel

April 25, 2012

Yahoo users have been targeted in a phishing attack that starts with an "avoid account deactivation" email.

Mousing over the link shows the non-Yahoo link - an easy way to know that something is amiss. The phishing pages are very authentic looking. Once users have entered their login details (which are collected by the phisher), they are redirected to Yahoo Mail.

F-Secure Weblog

by Mikko

January 19, 2013

Today is the 19th of January, 2013. Which means 19th of January, 2038 is now exactly 25 years away from us.

Why does it matter? Because at 03:14:07 UTC on 19th of January 2038 we will run into the Year 2038 Problem. Many Unix-based system can't handle dates beyond that moment. For example, common Unix-based phones today won't let you set the date beyond 2038. This applied to all iPhones and Androids we tried it on (iOS is based on BSD and Android is Linux). Obviously this does not apply to Windows Phones, which let you set the date all the way to year 3000.


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