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How To Master CSS

How To Master CSS

"With How To Master CSS, you'll discover how to read stylesheets, how to recognise the best solution and how to translate a graphical design to a real website, simply by watching my fun and sophisticated training videos. Hundreds of people, just like you, worldwide have used my unique multimedia course to fast-track their Stylesheet learning, while having piles of fun in the process. Will you be next?"

It doesn't matter what level you are at now (beginner or intermediate), How to Master CSS is packed full of quality step-by-step lessons, video files, an editor and other resources to get YOU results fast!

 Title   Date   Author   Host

by Michael Chen

April 3, 2014

An Ocean Beach boy is in the spotlight after he discovered a back door in to one of the most popular gaming systems in the world.

When 5-year-old Kristoffer Von Hassel is playing his Xbox, his feet don't touch the ground. But something he did has made the smartest guys at Microsoft pay attention. "I was like yea!" said Kristoffer. Just after Christmas, Kristoffer's parents noticed he was logging into his father's Xbox Live account and playing games he wasn't supposed to be.

by Tom Gara

July 31, 2013

Let's run through a little thought experiment. Imagine there's a list somewhere that contains every single webpage you have visited in the last five years.

It also has everything you have ever searched for, every address you looked up on Google Maps, every email you sent, every chat message, every YouTube video you watched. Each entry is time-stamped, so it's clear exactly, down to the minute, when all of this was done. Now imagine that list is all searchable. And imagine it's on a clean, easy-to-use website. With all that imagined, can you think of a way a hacker, with access to this, could use it against you? And once you've imagined all that, go over to, and see it all become reality.

July 26, 2013

If this isn't a 'culture of corruption', I don't know what is.

During his economic address Wednesday, President Obama denounced the recent fixation on 'phony scandals', saying that we need to refocus on things that matter, like the economy. However, a large number of recent political scandals aren't phony; they're serious breaches of the public's trust, and ignoring them won't make them go away.

F-Secure Weblog

by Sean

February 12, 2013

Most people are aware of identity theft these days, and that it's a relatively easy way for criminal types to make money (by accessing credit). But we've wondered, at what point does it become easier to fake, rather than to steal identities?

The FBI answered that question last week when it arrested 13 people on charges of bank fraud. The defendants are alleged to have used thousands of fake identities, documents, and companies to get tens of thousands of credit cards. And they cashed out two hundred million dollars. Our favorite detail? "Law enforcement discovered approximately $70,000 in cash in the oven of one defendant." Guess the freezer was full...

December 23, 2013

Declassified documents prove them.

We all know the conspiracy theories - the government's plan for 9/11, the second gunman who shot JFK, the evolution of the elite from a race of blood-drinking, shape-shifting lizards. But the people who spread these ideas usually can't prove them. As the years pass, however, secrets surface. Government documents become declassified. We now have evidence of certain elaborate government schemes right here in the U.S. of A.

by Downloading A Free App Like Omnidisksweeper

October 11, 2012

It's a fact of modern life: Macs can run slowly for seemingly no reason, but chances are there is a reason the Mac is running so poorly and we'll cover the most common reasons, how to know if each reason is causing the slow down, and most importantly, how to fix it. If your Mac is running slowly and it feels like a snail could launch a new app or load a web page faster than the computer could, read on.

July 31, 2013

Hackers pulls a William Wallace on NSA director, then calls bulls*** on him.

While Army Gen. Keith Alexander, the head of the National Security Agency, was barred from this year's DefCon hacker conference, Black Hat hacker conference welcomed him with open arms. Well, not everybody at the conference did. One hacker in particular, felt the need to interrupt Alexander's Wednesday morning presentation.

by Manuel Holtz

November 8, 2010

The extension adds "Report spam" links to search results and your Web History, taking you directly to the spam report form and autocompleting some form fields for you. With this extension, Google's spam report form is always just one click away.

CNS News

by Donna Cassata and Richard Lardner

April 21, 2012

The mysterious caller claimed to be from Microsoft and offered step-by-step instructions to repair damage from a software virus. The electric power companies weren't falling for it.

The caller, who was never traced or identified, helpfully instructed the companies to enable specific features in their computers that actually would have created a trapdoor in their networks. That vulnerability would have allowed hackers to shut down a plant and thrown thousands of customers into the dark. The power employees hung up on the caller and ignored the advice.

CNS News

by Lolita Baldor

December 12, 2011

As few as 12 different Chinese groups, largely backed or directed by the government there, commit the bulk of the China-based cyberattacks stealing critical data from U.S. companies and government agencies.

The aggressive but stealthy attacks, which have stolen billions of dollars in intellectual property and data, often carry distinct signatures allowing U.S. officials to link them to certain hacker teams. Analysts say the U.S. often gives the attackers unique names or numbers, and at times can tell where the hackers are and even who they may be. Sketched out by analysts who have worked with U.S. companies and the government on computer intrusions, the details illuminate recent claims by American intelligence officials about the escalating cyber threat emanating from China.


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